Saturday, March 31, 2007


it has been so long since i have sat by a fire and talk life over with friends, but tonight i did just that. there is something about fire in that i could just sit and stare at it for hours and not get bored. it reminded me of being back in little rock sitting out with my boys. things happen at "firepitts" that happen nowhere else. i remember one of my favorite firepitts that was just Justin and myself. i had just gotten back from conference and we sat up for hours telling stories about things that were going on in our lives. we just enjoyed sitting there. thats when life is at its best.


thispresentsojourn said...

hurrd that.

They call me Jamis said...

this is true. i agree.

Justin said...

Oh how I wish it could happen again very soon. I've been trying to get a pit together but without people that truly respect it, there is no enthusiasm, thus causing no dedication to the pit. I long for the time that i can be reunited with my brothers around the pit that has done so much in our lives.

Daniel McPherson said...

My friend, my pal, i duddits